We got our first emails from Jared on Saturday, short and sweet. Here's an excerpt:
"I really don't have time to tell you a whole lot, but the MTC is great. Companions are hard. Following the rules and the spirit is easy. I'm having a great time. I'm super excited to get into the field."
And this morning I got a 20 second call from the Detroit airport, as he was getting ready to board! Nice surprise for me. He just said he's doing great, no time to talk, excited and he'll write when he gets there! Less than 13 days in the MTC!
It's so different than Jeremy. In and out so quickly. Like they don't get a chance to catch their breathe, or maybe you don't get a chance to catch your breathe! Can't wait to hear about where he lands and how it feels to him. Hope he has more time to write. I will try and write him too, so keep us posted.